
What is NeuroAscent, gamified neuroanatomy?


NeuroAscent is a game designed to help students learn neuroanatomy. The study of structures and function of the nervous system (i.e., neuroanatomy) is one of the most difficult topics faced by medical students and many other healthcare professionals. Neuroanatomy has been established as the most intimidating subject for students and healthcare providers alike. This trait has been called “neurophobia” and is detrimental to our care of patients with neurological conditions like stroke, seizures, and dementia.

To improve the neuroanatomy experience of learners and student of all levels, we have created NeuroAscent! This is a web app which uses features of game-based learning and spaced-repetition learning to provide students with an augmented learning experience. Modern medical students have access to a myriad of educational resources and apps for other fields of study, but neuroanatomy has been neglected! We are here to revolutionize neuroanatomy education, improve the neuroanatomy and neurology proficiency of those taking care of patients, and improve neurological care across the globe!

NeuroAscent is a completely homegrown passion project born from this idea and a love of neuroanatomy. We are hosted as a web app to provide you with the single best experience as we continue to develop our algorithms and expand content.

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